
TKD Customer Reviews

At The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes it means everything to us that our participants have a blast!  We appreciate having the best clients anywhere and when they have fun, it means we have fun too. Below are some of the things people are saying after attending our classes.... and to all of our guests a big heart felt THANK YOU!

Hi Katie, Just wanted to say thank you again for another great class! We had a great time and yet again the food was delicious. Your enthusiasm and passion for cooking is evident! You are so good at your job and for this reason we will continue to come back :)________

Thank you so much for the pictures and such a fantastic night of fun!! Everyone in the office is still talking about it and how much they loved the evening.________________________

Hi Katie, Our group loved loved loved the cooking class. People loved the food choices, the setting, how you got us involved, you level of knowledge. We would like to book the South East Asian class. Thank you very much! Kelly__________________

Good morning, I woke up with a smile this morning thinking about what a great night we had. Thank you and to Bethany for such a wonderful evening. It was really perfect. 
Looking forward to another cooking party soon!_________________________

The meat pie was great! We had my sister over for dinner and we all really enjoyed it. We also made more buttertarts last night with some of our pastry from class! _________________________

Hi Katie,I just wanted to say thank you very much for the lesson your provided last Thursday! Everyone had a great time and loved the food. You do a great job at facilitating and making everyone feel welcome. We have all raved to the rest of the company about our experience and I suspect you may be getting phone calls from other teams. We hope to be back soon!______________

Hi Katie, I want to let you know that we still talk about our date nite with you learning how to make sushi!!! It was wonderful. (And I am definitely going to plan another cooking class for us in the new year._________________________

The corporate cooking lesson you led for us received nothing but rave reviews and requests for repeat events. We complete group social events on a regular basis but none have resulted in the attendance and overwhelming positive feedback as your session. Thank you for your professionalism, sense of humour, and for sharing your love of cooking and food with us! We will definitely be repeat customers in the near future, Kirsti________________

Inspired in just a few hours! I attended the pastry class last night and want you to know that me and my friends thoroughly enjoyed're an awesome teacher!!!. I've never had success making pastry so steered clear of it for years. I feel a whole lot more confident now and believe that me and the pastry roller could become friends one day lol. Thanks, Debbie

Hi Katie - I wanted to thank you for a wonderful evening. We really enjoyed cooking together and the meal was spectacular. Chris and I had two couples come to cook the menu together. What a lot of fun and a wonderful meal with complementary flavours to top it off! We will not be able to come to Mexican night but will sign three up for the Thai/Asian night._________________________

Fear not the Pastry! Phobia be gone! Just a quick note to thank you for the fabulous class last night. Learned so many new and unique tips; I plan to recreate a recipe or two this weekend! Looking forward to future classes. Barbara _________________________

Thanks again for a fabulous night. The Drayton ladies had a blast! Your expertise, professionalism, and super fun and enthusiastic personality made for a perfect night. Please thank Maggie again for all of her hard work, it was greatly appreciated! If you ever have someone that is interested in home group classes and needs some feedback please don't hesitate to have them give me a call! Take care, Kristyn_________________________

Everyone loved it. You are so wonderful and professional and inspiring! Thank you so much. The best part was having the chance to see the dishes being made, as well as making one myself... so that I know they can be done and of course eating at the end. Honestly it was the best Thai food ever.. and I have had a lot of Thai over the years. Please let me know if you need an extra participant for any future classes... I would love to learn more from you. A lot of people commented on how calm and organized you were. It was an exceptional evening!  blessings, Sandy_________________________

Thanks again for the organization and invitation to the Thai cooking class. It was wonderful to be together. My new mantra is "be calm like Katie" while in the kitchen. A great evening with great company. With gratitude, Ruth_________________________

I wanted to extend a HUGE THANK YOU for putting on an amazing night for Joe's birthday on Friday. We all had an awesome time and everyone is still talking about how much fun it was. Some people even made your recipes the next day before the weekend was over! I think we'll all be booking you again for another evening! :) I have some more ideas of things I want you to teach so we'll have to chat some time. ;) But in all seriousness, the night was a huge success. I think we're all going to be buying a new bbq like yours now - the store is going to run out! :) _________________________

It was loads of fun and such terrific food. I can't wait to make some of this food at home, though I might not exactly make all the dishes on the same night. ;)_________________________

I was so impressed by Katie -- I think my head would have been absolutely spinning trying to keep so many people organized cooking so many different things, but she didn't show that she was anything but calm, cool and collected! Christine_________________________

What an absolute treat ;-) It was so enjoyable and such an inspiration to learn from Katie. I look forward to making these dishes as well, and it will likely be sooner than later, as there was a bit of disappointment from the eager eaters at home not to have any 'doggie bag'. Hey, perhaps we could have a 'reunion' meal at my new kitchen in 2013 ;-) I also think that Leslie is planning on the Mexican class for next year ;-) Elisa______________________

1 comment:

  1. The meat pie was great! We had my sister over for dinner and we all really enjoyed it. We also made more buttertarts last night with some of our pastry from class! charm bracelet canada , charm bracelet australia ,
