
Friday 26 April 2013

A year to Celebrate!

This year has flown and this month marks a full year since the official start of The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes. What a great year it has been... so many new faces and friends have come from each class, not to mention some incredible food (24 classes worth)!

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has joined me for a class. You have made my job easy and fun and a source of joy for me. I would also like to thank anyone who has been interested in classes or who has been there to help me iron out the details of running a website and using Paypal effectively. My mom always told me that being a life learner was just as important as finishing school. Starting a business has reminded me just how much there is to learn :)

I also owe a humongous thank you to my mom and dad, Melanie and Andy McLennan who own and operate London House Bed and Breakfast. Without the use of their facility and the wonderful support they have given me, this year of success could not have happened. I have also had a fabulous group of dishies join me for classes so I want to give a shout out to Maggie, Shannon, Annica, Katie and Melanie to name a few. I also have to thank my sister Bethany for all the help looking after my little lady so that I can get to work on time, Beth you're a life saver!!

Now you may be asking what's next for this year? The truth is I am looking forward to finding out too! My goal is to be available to teach privately and run a public (open to anyone) class every other month. That means there is a class approaching for May. So, this coming Thursday May 30th will be a SUSHI class! Let me know if you are interested by emailing me at

Here's to another great season of cooking and eating together!


Katie Franks Chef
The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes