
Monday 30 January 2012

Recipe of the Day - Turkey Chili

yield: chili for 6

Turkey chili is so versatile... warming, flavourful and healthy all in one.  I love sharp cheddar and sour cream on top but again these are great as options on the side.  For a vegetarian/vegan option double up the beans and omit the turkey!


4 Tbsp olive oil, divided
2 medium onions, chopped to 1/2" dice
2 large carrots, chopped to 1/2" dice
2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
1 14 oz can whole tomatoes, crushed or chopped
1 small can tomato paste
1 8 oz can beans, drained (choose from black, pinto, kidney etc. or for veggie option use chick peas as the second choice)
1 cup wine or beer or stock
2 tsp salt
1-2 tsp black pepper
1 heaping Tbsp ground cumin
1 heaping Tbsp chili powder (not chili flakes :)
6 dashes Tabasco or Franks Hot, or to taste
2 stalks celery, diced
1 red or yellow pepper, chopped to 1/2" dice (or half of each)
1 lb ground turkey
1/4 cup lemon or lime juice, preferably fresh squeezed

1.  Saute onions and carrots in 2 Tbsp olive oil for 10 minutes over medium heat or until the onions are translucent.

2.  Add everything but the lemon juice and the turkey meat and simmer for 20 minutes more or until carrots are tender.

3.  In a separate pan, heat remaining 2 Tbsp olive oil and cook turkey until no longer pink.  Add to chili along with lemon juice and stir to combine. Note: Don't worry too much about cooking for a long time as the heat from the chili will finish it off.  Taste and adjust seasoning.

4.  Serve nice and hot.  Allow guests to garnish their own bowls with sides of sharp cheddar cheese, sour cream and sliced green onions... Enjoy!  Note: This chili can be made and kept in the fridge for up to 3 days before serving.  It also freezes great!

Winter Warmth in Virginia Beach!

Having just arrived home from an incredibly warm visit to Virginia Beach I am feeling the need to warm the cockles of my heart with some reminiscing.  It took two planes and a drive to Buffalo in the middle of the night to get us there but our time with Tricia's cousins, aunt Cole (my sis' in law Nicole) and uncle Jer (my bro' in law) was worth 10 times the effort.  The kids played so great together and they exhausted each other so the adults could enjoy fun time together in the evenings: "Settlers of Catan" + Sushi = Fun.

Uncle Jer and Aunt Cole
Chrisoffer! aka Christopher
Kemmy aka McKinley
We shopped (I love Trader Joes!), we ate, we played outside.  Nicole and I cooked fun things we felt like making and the kids made up hilarious moments enough for everyone.  Of particular hilarity was the extremely fun time they had during the great makeup fiasco of 2012!  We should have recognized the quiet sooner.... but Nicole and I were having such a lovely heart to heart over the dishes and sweet Kemmy was with us so surely nothing too crazy could happen??  Oh the calm before the storm.

Looking back there were some sounds coming from upstairs that seemed peculiar.  Hmmm.  Upon our arrival at the scene what should we find but two war painted little people covered in every sort of makeup I packed.  Oh and did I mention they had covered the whole room, the sheets, bed spreads, pillow cases, walls and floors too?  Tricia had a smear of cover up in a clownish shape around her mouth and black mascara streaks down both cheeks.  She had also taken a brown pencil to her forehead and attempted to write a message.  Christopher was no better off and it literally took everything we had to stay stern and act upset for their sake.  Upon further questioning Christopher confessed he had thought maybe it wasn't a good idea but it had been Tricia who had in fact started throwing it around.  Surprising?  No.

That girl is so full of beans and sooo adorably impulsive!!!

Now we are home and getting back into the swing of things here.  As usual Buffalo greeted us with a snow storm but nothing could get us down and dinner at Chili's (an American chain) gave Tricia another chance to make some more "friends".  I couldn't keep count but if I add the grocery stores, the airports, the planes and the restuarants she might well have made a new 50 friends.  Is it her curls or the way she asks everyone if they have lipstick or a "bum bum"?  The poor security guard at the airport thought she was interested in his badges only to discover she was making sure he knew he had a bum bum!  Oh my goodness.... Then there the santa-esque gentlemen waiting for the plane with us whom Tricia kept trying to convince me was Santa despite my informing her that men grow beards.  It was all settled nicely when the gentlemen approached us with a roguish smile and told us she "wasn't far off" while he displayed a photo on his phone in which he was indeed dressed exactly like SANTA!! Bahahahah....

So glad I am not shy or Tricia might just be the death of me!

PS - Monkeys on the bed was a favourite game but ironically was not the cause of Tricia's vacation black eye!  That was caused by a run in with her cousins 4 year old head while running through the house.

Monday 16 January 2012

Recipe of the day - Oatcakes

This recipe is an age old Scottish cookie popular served with tea, old cheddar and jam.  They are full of healthy carbs, low in sugar and salt and work well for an on-the-go energy boost.  Better yet, kids love them!  This version has been tweaked for your home oven - giving you a crisp oatcake with a delicious oaty flavour.

yield: 2 dozen

2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup all purpose or whole wheat flour
1 cup oat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup water

1.  Preheat the oven to 350'F. In a mixing bowl or the bowl a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together butter, shortening and brown sugar.

2.  Add all remaining ingredients and mix on low speed until mixture forms a dough like mixture.

3.  Scoop heaping tablespoons and place on parchment lined baking trays.  Using your fingers as a spatula press each cookie down to flatten slightly.  They don't spread so  you want to press them into the size and shape you desire.  The thinner you press them, the crisper they will be.  Bake for 18 minutes or until lightly golden and crispy.  If you have a convection option on your oven, this is the time to use it!

PS - I hope you enjoy these as much as our family does!  Also, a big thank you to both With the Grain Cafe and London House Bed and Breakfast for being contributors to this great recipe.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Sushi and Snow

Sparse as the snow has been, it has been a HUGE hit at our house.  Not only will Tricia eat any (and I mean any) snow she can lay her little paws on but she loves to roll in it, lay face down and gaze at it, and make "angels" in it (her angels are forthcoming as she is still flapping her arms in a forward motion thus missing the snow all together).  Over the Christmas break we were blessed with some time spent in the much snowier realm of Muskoka where our family cottage sits on a very big hill.  Tobogganing was an immediate obsession for our wee thrill seeker but we found we had a serious problem... so much fun means snow up the pants, up the sleeves and down the collar.  Fortunately Ryan was on hand with a perfect solution... Duct Tape!!  Ryan taped Tricia and her cousins into their snow suits allowing them at least another 1/2 hour of play per session... he's not just a pretty face ya know. 

The snow coupled with the arrival of Santa and Snowmen adorning many lawns gave us a plethora of new vocabulary for the season.  We drove around at night like kids in a candy store exclaiming over every sparkly house we could find.  Tricia can literally spot a Santa (head, hat, body, half blown up or otherwise) from a mile away.  She has no idea Santa brought her presents at Christmas but she does know that she LOVES him!  Kids are hilarious.  We also learned that Christmas is about baby Jesus' birthday.  I knew Tricia was getting the hang of the Birth of our Saviour thing when she told me on our way to the Christmas eve service "NOT to hit the baby Jesus"! 

The running commentary out of that girls mouth is too much and it simultaneously tells me how I'm doing at communicating with her.  She tells us all about bad attitudes, she tells us to show her our happy faces, she tells her babies not to open the fridge, hit Miley, push baby Ruby, hit Melia or Cole, and that they only get potty treats for going poopy.  Its very informative and hilarious as her words are coming fast and furious and she doesn't wait to get it right before she launches into a speech.  Particularly fabulous is that she loves these little rubber frogs she got.  They are a multitude of colours and while she has no trouble with the plural "frogs" the singular "frog" sounds exactly like the F word, no joke.  If you don't believe me just ask the 6 people who were here for dinner the other night :)

PS - some of these pics are incredible, just click on the one of Reuben at the wood stove to see what I mean!

There are still spaces available in the upcoming Culinary Class on February 2nd from 6-9 pm

Join me for "Sushi Basics": Learn the basics of the amazing art of this Japanese cuisine.  Literally Sushi means "seasoned rice" and offers so much flexibility and as little raw fish as you desire...

The details: The evening will be a informal event. We begin with a little meet and greet, discuss the evenings recipes and breakout into teams. There will also be an intro to skills and equipment at this time. Groups will then work together to create their dishes with brief demonstration points for all. Finished dishes will be set out in the dining room for everyone's enjoyment when we have finished (we will discuss plating and garnishing at this time as well).

Where: London House Bed and Breakfast - 80 London Rd W (front entrance at porch)

Evening includes: Instruction and demonstration by chef Katie Franks, all required equipment and ingredients. Each participant will also receive a recipe book for all of the evenings creations. Tea, coffee and ice water are provided, if you wish to bring other beverages for your own enjoyment please feel free, glassware is available.

Participants should bring: A favourite apron, comfortable closed toe shoes and their appetites!

Note: Please let me know if there are any dietary restrictions, allergies or intolerance so we can plan ahead, thank you!

To book your spot please email or leave a comment... more info on all our classes can be found right here on this blog at The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes

See you then!

Chef Katie Franks
The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes

Thursday 12 January 2012

Culinary Classes Begin!

Here are the details for 2 upcoming events. Please feel free to forward this info on to any interested parties.  Both classes still have space so newcomers are welcome!

Sushi Basics
Thursday February 2nd, 6-9 pm
Indian Feast
Friday February 3rd, 6-9 pm
Both evenings will be a informal events.  We begin with a little meet and greet, discuss the evenings recipes and breakout into teams. There will also be an intro to skills and equipment at this time.  Groups will then work together to create their dishes with brief demonstration points for all.  Finished dishes will be set out in the dining room for everyone's enjoyment when we have finished (we will discuss plating and garnishing at this time as well). 

Where: London House Bed and Breakfast - 80 London Rd W (front entrance at porch)
Theme: Sushi Basics (level 1) / Indian Feast (level 1)

Evenings Includes:  Instruction and demonstration by chef Katie Franks, all required equipment and ingredients.  Each participant will also receive a recipe book for all of the evenings creations.  Tea, coffee and ice water are provided, if you wish to bring other beverages for your own enjoyment please feel free, glassware is available.

Participants should bring: A favourite apron, comfortable closed toe shoes and their appetites!

Note:  Please let me know if there are any dietary restrictions, allergies or intolerance so we can plan ahead, thank you!

I will also bring along a variety of cookbooks for perusal and discussion.  Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will get back to you promptly.  The cost is $45.00 per person no tax and if preferred cheques can be made out to Katie Franks.  I would ask that numbers be finalized 48 hours before the event so no unnecessary supplies are purchased.

See you then!
Chef Katie Franks
The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes
For info visit:  The Kitchen Door Culinary Classes